2020 Membership Drive
The world has changed over these past weeks, and we are all working hard to see the end of this pandemic. It has been difficult, it has been interesting, and it has changed us.
The Crowsnest Museum has not avoided this change. The work we are doing today is nowhere near what we usually do in April and leading up to our busy summer months. We are working hard on making the Museum better, and planning on how we can serve our community once all of this is over.
It’s at this point that we need to ask our community and supporters to please consider renewing your memberships for 2020.
This is probably the most difficult Membership Drive we have ever embarked on. We understand that times are very tough right now, and we understand that many might not be able to spare the money to renew their membership, but do know that the dollars from every membership go as far as possible.
Your membership fee helps us keep working on the collection, helps us bring in more grant dollars to the community, helps us partner with local groups and businesses - it helps us serve you.
Please considered purchasing a me
mbership, they are only $15 for Youth/Seniors, $20 for Adults, and $35 for a Family (2 Adults and up to 4 dependents).
This year’s difficult Membership Drive has gone digital. We cannot connect with you like we have in the past. We love seeing you visit the Museum, or talk with you at the Lifestyles Show, and at other community events. This year you can purchase your membership at https://www.crowsnestmuseum.ca/annual-memberships or by sending us a cheque in the mail with a note including your name and contact information, and of course we would love to hear how you are doing.
From the Board and Staff at the Crowsnest Museum, we sincerely hope everyone is doing well and staying safe. If you are able, we would graciously ask you to consider having a membership for this year, and we hope to see you all face to face soon. #MuseumsDoMore #crowsnestpass #ABMuseums
